
West Virginia Athletes Stand for Truth

County court sides with female athletes, allowing them to compete after a school ban.


John Stonestreet

Jared Hayden

Last month, a West Virginia school district banned five middle-school female track athletes from participating in future events. They were punished for refusing to compete against males who identified as female at a meet.  

The girls sued the school district and, in a moment of sanity, Harrison County Judge Thomas Bedell ordered that they be permitted to participate in track meets while the lawsuit plays out.  

Even West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey filed an amicus brief on behalf of the girls. He applauded their courage, saying, 

You saw unfairness and you expressed your disappointment and sacrificed your personal performances in a sport that you love; exercised your constitutionally protected freedom of speech and expression. 

[These girls] should be commended, not punished. We need to teach [students] that it is noble to stand firm in their beliefs and address their grievances within the protections guaranteed by our constitution. 

These girls were willing to stand alone, but they shouldn’t have to.  


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