The Struggle for Marriage
The U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision striking down the Texas law banning sodomy has moved us a giant step closer to sanctioning same-sex "marriage." The response to the decision has been swift. First, the Vatican issued a powerful statement calling all Catholic officeholders to vote against gay "marriage," to uphold traditional heterosexual union, and to work for the repeal of laws that weaken marriage. The very next day President Bush took a clear, unequivocal -- and, I believe, courageous -- stand. He declared his support for the sanctity of heterosexual marriages, significantly using the word sanctity. He also counseled that in this campaign we must be gentle and loving. If nothing is done in the wake of the Lawrence decision, I think that it is just a matter of time before gay "marriage" is sanctioned. Massachusetts and New Jersey courts are considering cases right now. If either state embraces it -- as predicted -- homosexuals will rush there to get married. Then they'll return to their home states where, because of the Defense of Marriage Act, those so-called "marriages" will not be recognized. That's certain to precipitate a constitutional challenge. And with the Court disposed as it is in the light of this recent decision, I suspect they will throw out the Defense of Marriage Act, and we will have gay "marriage" imposed by courts without so much as a single vote by the people. The best way to head this off is a constitutional amendment affirming heterosexual marriage. The Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) has expressed his support. Members of Congress are lining up fast. We cannot afford to lose this titanic struggle -- and we won't, if the Church does its job. Bible-believing Christians have got to get serious and become activists for the Federal Marriage Amendment. Parts of the Church, however, are shaky. Look at what's happening to the Episcopalians right now, ordaining a gay bishop. Many denominations are debating whether they will give same-sex "marriage" ceremonies in church. If you're involved in a church where this issue is being debated, register your alarm and make it clear that if your denomination embraces this, you're out. Arrange to visit with the leaders of your church, and get your church committed. Ask your pastor to speak on this issue from the pulpit. We need more than anything else a huge groundswell of ordinary Americans expressing their outrage over this most serious threat to the institution of marriage. If we don't act, we will be out-gunned by gay rights activists who are well financed, well organized, and capitalizing on public sympathy. A majority of Americans still oppose same-sex marriage, but that margin has been shrinking as gays ask the question: "What's wrong with making our union legal? It's monogamous; we keep to ourselves; we don't bother anyone." But what's wrong is, when a society gives equal moral weight to the homosexual "marriage" as to the heterosexual, the institution itself loses meaning. It can no longer be the basic unit for procreation and character formation of children -- it is simply an agreement for two people, any two people, to live together and practice whatever sex they choose. Please call us today. Let us send you a packet that you can use to equip yourself to debate this issue. If you haven't gotten your church involved, please do so. This is urgent. For further reading and information: Call 1-877-3-CALLBP for the BreakPoint Marriage Amendment Information Packet. It includes this article by William Bennett, a chapter from Bennett's book The Broken Hearth on marriage and family, the text of the Federal Marriage Amendment, and a chart showing the amendment's legal impact. (Adobe Acrobat Reader needed to read chart.) President Bush's remarks on marriage are included in this transcript of a recent press conference. Steven Waldman, "White House Word Play," Beliefnet, 31 July 2003. Read the Vatican's statement on same-sex "marriage." "Cardinal hits out at 'false' media coverage on Vatican gay marriage stance," Catholic News, 5 August 2003. Lynn Vincent, "Go forth and sin," World, 2 August 2003. Alan Cooperman, "Episcopal Church Confirms Gay Bishop," Washington Post, 6 August 2003, A01. "Frist backs constitutional ban on gay marriage," USA Today, 29 June 2003. "Our Last, Best Hope" -- In this "BreakPoint This Week" interview, Managing Editor Jim Tonkowich speaks with Wilberforce Forum Board of Reference member Dr. Robert George, professor of jurisprudence and professor of politics at Princeton University. They discuss the Federal Marriage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, being proposed to prohibit courts from legitimizing same-sex "marriage." BreakPoint Commentary No. 030729, "The 'Love' That Won't Keep Quiet: The Gay Moment." BreakPoint Commentary No. 030711, "Our Last, Best Option: The Federal Marriage Amendment." BreakPoint Commentary No. 030603, "Like It or Not: Cardinal Arinze at Georgetown." BreakPoint Commentary No. 030506, "An Unstable Balance: Wanting It Both Ways." "Chuck Colson's Response to the Texas Sodomy Law Decision," BreakPoint Online, 26 June 2003. Robert P. George, The Clash of Orthodoxies: Law, Religion, and Morality in Crisis (ISI Books, 2001). J. Budziszewski, What We Can't Not Know(Spence, 2003).