The Point

The Point: What—and Who—do You Work for?

America is experiencing a “boom economy” but according to the New York Times, many Americans are “professionally miserable.” In fact, and this isn’t new, only half of working Americans are satisfied with their jobs. As the article notes, even the best-paid are experiencing discontent, so the issue isn’t poor pay or not enough benefits. No, it’s because work isn’t just about the money. It’s “a source of purpose and meaning, a place in the world,” something that many folks don’t experience at work. Why not? It’s at least partly a worldview issue. As Chuck Colson said on BreakPoint years ago: “Work embraced as a calling expresses the glory of God . . . Through our work God provides for us and for our families, contributes to the common good, and gives us a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. He has given us work as the way to fulfill his mandate to us as humans—to take dominion over the world he has created.” Amen.     Download mp3 audio here.


John Stonestreet


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