The Point
Can a Christian Hold Public Office?
Two senators just flunked a Constitutional test.
Nominations to Federal District Courts rarely garner much attention, but Brian Buescher’s did. The reason? He's a member of the Knights of Columbus.
The Knights are typically known for their service projects like giving coats to needy families and working with those with disability.
And, as a Catholic organization, the Knights affirm the Church’s teaching on issues such as marriage and the sanctity of life.
In Buescher’s confirmation, Sen. Mazie Hirono called the Church’s teaching “extreme” and asked Buescher if he would resign from the Knights “to avoid any appearance of bias.” Sen. Kamala Harris asked if Buescher was aware of the Knights’ positions on abortion and same-sex marriage.
Ultimately, this isn’t about the Knights of Columbus. It’s about whether holding traditional Christian views disqualifies you from public office—and whether Article VI of the Constitution (prohibiting religious tests for public office), still matters.
By the way, the Knights responded by inviting the senators to join them in their charitable activities.
So far, neither senator has responded.
John Stonestreet

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