In the past few years, Brett McCracken has emerged as an important voice in evangelical Christianity, especially among a younger generation that is culturally savvy, but which also embraces historic Christianity. McCracken’s 2010 book Hipster Christianity was sub-titled “When Church and Cool Collide.” He followed up that book with “Gray Matters: Navigating the Space Between Legalism and Liberty.” His latest book, and the one we’ll discuss today, is “Uncomfortable: The Awkward and Essential Challenge of Christian Community. That book is out this month from Crossway.
Brett McCracken is a senior editor at The Gospel Coalition. In addition to writing books, Brett has written for The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Huffington Post, and CNN.com, among many other publications. He also speaks and lectures frequently at universities, churches and conferences.
Warren Cole Smith had this conversation with Brett McCracken near his home in Southern California, where he lives with his wife Kira.
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