New voices are speaking out against “the ever-ready molders” of the transgender-affirming world out to change adolescent minds.
In this cultural moment, the Church must help parents know and choose what is true and find hope when their…
Group rejects their progressive counterparts and speaks out for women where Christians should be.
Transition propaganda belies the true effects on children lured into this “cure.”
More studies find that transitioning minors leads to less life satisfaction, higher suicidality, and real life-long medical problems.
The rate of Gen Z women identifying as men has skyrocketed to about twice that of Gen Z men identifying…
Science and Christianity both reveal truth about reality.
In a culture where nearly 1 in 5 of Gen Z calls themselves “LGBT,” it’s crucial that parents pray hard,…
A tragic trend of the past few years is the explosion in the number of young people who identify as…
Contrary to what is consistently filling our newsfeeds, there is a disturbing lack of evidence that intervening in a child’s…