Detransitioner tells why the Source of all reality is Jesus Christ.
John discusses this week’s Light House Voices event featuring Laura Perry Smaltz
John and Maria discuss a series of revelations from this past week, including a set of documents proving what pro-trans…
John and Maria discuss the implications for IVF of an Alabama court ruling.
Could it be that trans-activism really is just making things up?
Healing and wholeness can only be found by embracing, not rejecting, who God made us to be in the first…
An op-ed in The New York Times finally acknowledges a glaring problem in gender transitions.
Parents are forced to fight for their daughter in the public sphere while an anti-sex-change law for minors waits in…
Getting the stats right so parents can get the right kind of help.
More proof that ‘gender-affirming care’ does not follow the science but instead follows ideology, even to its undoing.