Is it possible to reconcile one’s faith with a belief in the right to abortion? A group called the Religious…
Do you believe that the Bible should be taught in schools? You might be surprised to hear that quite a…
On Tuesday, after four votes, the College of Cardinals elected Joseph Ratzinger pope. No sooner had the new Pope Benedict…
Some deaths can rightly be called “fitting.” That is, in dying, the person embodied what his life stood for. John…
John Paul II — a feeding tube in his nose — died a natural and peaceful death just days after…
When ministers pray before a business meeting, it’s rare that anyone is asked not to show up. Yet that’s exactly…
In 1941, a monk named Maximilian Kolbe volunteered to take the place of another condemned prisoner at Auschwitz. Six decades…
A leading intellectual elaborates on why he abandoned atheism. But, surprisingly, he says his reasons were not entirely intellectual. British…
Antony Flew, the 81-year-old British philosophy professor who taught at Oxford and other leading universities, became an atheist at age…