Sometimes a picture isn’t worth a thousand words. Especially when it comes to Scripture. Stay tuned to BreakPoint. At first…
Edgar Hernandez probably doesn’t understand the fuss he created. When the 5-year-old from the Mexican state of Campeche coughed, the…
Yesterday, millions of Americans mailed in their tax returns to the federal government. And millions more stood in tea party…
Has the church cheapened the grace of God? Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer argued the case in The Cost of Discipleship. In…
As we’ve talked about the last few days on BreakPoint, Christian hope is not wide-eyed optimism or emotions. Christian hope…
You don’t have to look far to find cause for worry today. As jobs disappear, as our retirement plans shrivel,…
One new book shows how teenage sexual activity can affect the brain. It’s not good news, but it’s yet one…
Every month on BreakPoint, we examine a great Christian book with the help of Dr. Ken Boa. Stay tuned for…
The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things.” I…
So what will you receive at the end of your life on earth? According to C.S. Lewis and the great…