Ever since I knew what the word meant, I’ve been a proud, card-carrying evangelical—even when such a label hasn’t been…
There’s a side of the Muslim refugee story you probably have not heard in the mainstream media. We’ve seen…
Ever since I knew what the word meant, I’ve been a proud, card-carrying evangelical—even when such a label hasn’t been…
Airing Grievances. Starting today, if you use Airbnb—and tens of millions of us do—you must sign a new “Community Commitment”…
Regular readers of mine know that I think movies are an important culture-shaping medium. And Netflix has become an important…
The Chinese government wants to stave off demographic catastrophe. Problem is, the Chinese people don’t care what the government thinks.…
Why is China trying to rein in democracy in Hong Kong? Maybe Hong Kong being a hotbed of Christianity has…
Regular readers of mine know that I think movies are an important culture-shaping medium. And Netflix has become an important…
Could you pass a basic theology quiz? Several thousand Americans just tried. Uh-oh. Too bad God doesn’t grade on a…
Study after study indicates that divorce is associated with bad outcomes for children. According to a summary of studies compiled…