In 2009 Chuck Colson, Robert George, and Timothy George drafted the Manhattan Declaration to affirm “the sanctity of life, traditional…
There are many stories these days of government trampling parental rights, but what happens when parents are the ones doing…
Oregon and Abortion. Oregon will soon be paying for abortions and contraceptives, due to a bill passed by the legislature…
The U.S. Supreme Court handed down a victory for religious liberty this week. In a 7-2 decision, the justices ruled…
Near the end of the first “Star Wars” movie, just before the Millennium Falcon is about to jump into hyperspace, Han…
Guiding GuideStar. GuideStar is one of the largest sources of financial information about nonprofit organizations on the Internet. I use…
Okay, so government cannot “establish religion.” But can it discriminate against religion? The Supreme Court has decided no. Yesterday the…
The verdict in a chilling Massachusetts trial has implications far beyond the young woman who was convicted of manslaughter for encouraging…
SBC Denounces Alt-Right. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, denounced “alt-right white supremacy” in a near-unanimous vote…