There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth in Washington in recent days when Newt Gingrich’s budget cutters sliced $17…
The great theologian Karl Barth once said that the faithful Christian should read both his Bible and the morning newspaper…
Making my way through National Airport in Washington, D.C., recently, I bumped into two members of Congress. They were heading…
Last week a House committee voted to “clarify” the Hyde Amendment. That’s the amendment, you’ll remember, that forbids the use…
Two news-making events on opposite sides of the globe last week provide a cautionary tale for America. The first was…
Should husbands and wives be granted a “no-fault” divorce—even if their marital faults are legion? Phyllis Witcher of Pennsylvania says…
All Raymond Raines wanted to do was whisper a quick prayer over his lunch. But every time the fourth-grader bowed…
Last Christmas, Patty and I delivered Angel Tree® gifts. The family we visited had three children: an eight-year-old and a…
Did you ever hear of anyone being threatened by the federal government just for writing a letter to the editor…
Before the November elections, Republicans in Congress announced a “Contract with America.” If voters would give them a majority in…