From the abolition of slavery to woman’s suffrage to the civil rights movement, America has a rich history of Christian…
There’s a lot of hand-wringing going on in Washington about the mood of the American people. And with good reason.…
When does art cease to be art? A recent Washington Post review provides food for thought. Philip Kennicott is uneasy.…
We’ve talked a lot in the past several days about the Manhattan Declaration and why we must defend religious liberty.…
Who cares the most about health care reform? The President? Congress? Seniors? The health insurance industry? Well, the answer will…
If the House’s health care bill were just more bad legislation, I could sleep at night. But it’s much more…
Should the “greatest good for the greatest number” be the guiding principle behind health care? As I have said before…
What’s more important to the administration’s foreign policy—climate change or human rights? The disturbing answer. Many were shocked last February…
The President must make a decision with enormous military, political, and, most importantly, moral implications. The President is under great…
When your rights bump into my rights, who decides between us? The government, of course. In July 2008, Ian Martin…