It’s a fact of life: Freedom depends on moral restraint. Lose moral restraint, and you lose freedom. There once was…
Outside of the Scriptures themselves, which book has had the most influence on the course of Western civilization and our…
As the culture changes, so do our laws and what we used to think were fundamental freedoms. I’ll show you…
As I’ve said many times, the issue of same-sex “marriage” is really all about religious freedom. For proof, read today’s…
Are the free exchange of ideas, respect for others,and common decency alive on college campuses these days? Sadly, that depends…
We’ve reached a critical juncture in the health care debate. Can both sides rise above partisanship? The President’s summit on…
The folks at the Freedom From Religion Foundation have a complaint. It’s just this: Mother Teresa was a nun! I’m…
This news may come as a shock to you: Congress has decided it’s spending too much money. Seriously! Last month,…
Is it possible that America could lapse into totalitarianism? Well, it’s not impossible, and I’ll tell you why not. My…
My great-grandchildren haven’t been born yet—but they’re up to their chubby little cheeks in debt. The huge turnout yesterday in…