What’s marriage all about, anyway? Well, like almost everything else, that depends on your worldview. Last week, another prominent couple…
No one would argue that a nation has the right to defend its people. Unless that nation is Israel. Judging…
There’s a new front in the battle for religious liberty. And our military chaplains are standing on the front lines.…
Well, I’ve got some good news. The sky isn’t falling. But crime rates are. The statistics are startling. Across the…
When we can no longer govern ourselves, government steps in — or as is the case these days, steps into…
I fear an earthquake is coming. Not a literal earthquake, but a political one. Events in the past several weeks…
Many Christians are uneasy with the growth of government in American life. They just can’t quite explain why. From General…
Good government policies matter to any healthy society. But something else matters more. Find out what that is. In the…
This country has lost its mind. Just ask Soren Kierkegaard. OK, that’s a bit cryptic, but read today’s commentary, and…
Will the finance reform bill signal change for the better, or more of the same? On Friday’s BreakPoint, I said…