Is modern liberalism sawing off the branch it’s sitting on? Find out what I mean, next on BreakPoint. You’ve heard…
After years of defending persecuted believers worldwide, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom may have to close its doors.…
Wouldn’t it be wonderful this Thanksgiving if our leaders could get together, put their differences aside and work together? There…
You’d think the government would want religious organizations to be helping the needy. Sure, so long as they ignore their…
Those who do not learn from Greek tragedies may be doomed to repeat them. Some are calling the financial…
Sure we want equality. But what kind? Equality of opportunity or equality of results? One is biblical, the other is…
One of the seven deadly sins seems to be walking the streets these days. An old Russian joke tells…
The first priority of government is to preserve order. It is time for the President to speak out. Once…
A country that permits religious persecution in the name of democracy is a democracy in name only. On October 9,…