Once again, a little digging in the Holy Land has unearthed a major find, and another confirmation of biblical history.…
What do a Greek-speaking Egyptian rebel and an ancient king of the Nabateans have in common? They both point to…
New evidence supports the authenticity of Christianity’s most hallowed and resilient archaeological site. Last year on BreakPoint, we told you…
While the impact of the Reformation on music is widely recognized, its considerable effect on the visual arts is not.…
The ships of the desert sailed further than anyone thought. For the Colson Center, I’m John Stonestreet with The Point.…
Hi, I’m John Stonestreet. Today, we want to share a classic Chuck Colson BreakPoint commentary on Thanksgiving, Squanto and the…
Charlie Brown didn’t get much right, but Charles Schulz did. For the Colson Center, I’m John Stonestreet with The Point.…
Something to think about. If the past several years have proven anything, it’s that American politics are a mess. And…
The Other Sexual Abuse Problem. While sex scandals rock Hollywood and Washington, little attention is being given to the widespread…
We’ve looked at the impact of Protestantism on society, economics, politics, and education. This movement also influenced the arts. Nowhere…