Why we won’t and don’t need to live forever.
Until the ‘gender-affirming’ mutilation of children is illegal, this day of no tolerance rings hollow.
More states are considering medically assisted suicide.
WPATH is losing members while other countries are losing passion for the chemical and surgical altering of minors.
The growing option to die by medical assistance is leaving patients who are already sick with disease or mental disorders…
Despite progressive states trying to ban APR, the treatment is proving to be safe for moms and lifesaving for babies.
The healthcare system’s unhealthy shift from objective wellbeing to a consumer industry.
Mosquitoes are getting stronger, but God has given only humans the unique charge to keep making things better.
When healthcare recommends suicide first for suicidal ideation.
Examining if the purpose is to give us what we want or to heal us beyond the traditional assumption that…