The latest What Would You Say? video has tips on how to encounter statements of sexual identity.
Though they tried, even Twitter cyber-censorship warriors couldn’t make this make sense.
Our cultural elites are wandering so far from reason that even calling a mother a ‘mother’ is old fashioned.
A recent shift in left-wing thought may mean a realignment with common sense and basic biology.
New voices are speaking out against “the ever-ready molders” of the transgender-affirming world out to change adolescent minds.
Group rejects their progressive counterparts and speaks out for women where Christians should be.
Transition propaganda belies the true effects on children lured into this “cure.”
The university’s glossary updates appall even the LGBT community.
More studies find that transitioning minors leads to less life satisfaction, higher suicidality, and real life-long medical problems.
The truth-seeking of journalism is once again barreling toward inutility.