Scientist who brought us revolutionary discovery on functions of the universe, deferred to God to lead him in all his…
German daycare attempts to rebrand after declaring it too hard to explain its namesake’s ‘political’ history to children.
Why it’s important to take stock of who you really think God is.
The more we dig, the more the evidence shows facts are on the side of the Bible, not its critics.
The groundwork of a lesser-known founder who shaped the early years of the Republic.
In our modern attempts to deconstruct the past, let’s remember the importance of these covenants.
We must know history before we name-call.
Take it from two giants of faith: Suffering, even to the point of imprisonment, can produce the most powerful witness.
Be encouraged by the gift of the Holy Spirit, the heart of our Christian life.
Oswald Chambers’ insights on how we can weave scripture into a well-rounded life.