While deaths involving pregnancy and childbirth are subject to national data collection in the United States, no consistent metric exists…
Women—especially those in crisis pregnancies—deserve accurate information and actual care, which they can’t find from Planned Parenthood or, for that…
Test everything, the Scripture says. Especially those who claim to speak for God.
The notion of “substantive due process” is often a pretext for judges to affirm current social norms with little more…
The attorney general’s lie about pregnancy resource centers covers up the violence of abortion… and those using violence are allowing…
John and Shane examine the Biden’s administration executive order that Medicaid patients can travel across state lines for abortion as…
Legalized abortion normalized promiscuity, promoted fatherlessness, and secured a view of children so bereft of humanity that we won’t even…
$5,000 is a pretty sad settlement. It won’t pay for a baby, much less a wedding budget. But hey, if…
The establishment clause, however, was never meant to exclude citizens from voting their consciences or seeking their vision of the…
Parliamentarians said the Dobbs ruling showed that “women’s and girls’ rights” are under attack. The strange part is that the…