One week ago today, the state of Virginia became the only place in America where it is illegal to perform…
His name is Joseph Moylan, and he served as a juvenile court judge in Nebraska for 21 years.Highly respected as…
Rosa Marie Hartford had to act fast. Her 18-year-old son, Michael, had gotten a 13-year-old girl pregnant. If the…
Lauren Santini was born on December 6, 1997—and died 13 days later of bacterial pneumonia. In memory of their daughter,…
The television ads are designed to scare. Grainy videotape shows people running furtively through border checkpoints. A narrator asks: “Did…
It was the 1930s—a time when out-of-wedlock pregnancy was rare and shocking. A 14-year-old girl—the daughter of a clergyman—finds herself…
After a romantic night with her husband, Michelle Crider feared that she had become pregnant. She asked her doctor to…
Florida Governor Lawton Chiles recently came to a Naples, Florida, bookstore to autograph copies of his new book. I attended…
In the classic science fiction film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, aliens from outer space invade people’s bodies as part of…
President Clinton’s “no surrender” position on partial-birth abortion has mystified White House watchers. This usually malleable president will give no…