Justice Alito thoroughly dismantles the claim that the right to an abortion is found anywhere in the Constitution.
Social revolutionaries who want doctors or teachers or bureaucrats to step between parents and children on sexual issues are revealing…
More than 700 authors and publishing agents have signed an open letter to Penguin Random House demanding the publisher cancel…
The sexual revolution promised women liberation, but men were the real beneficiaries. Children paid the price for that too.
Despite the fact the vast majority of OB-GYNs do not perform abortions, the message from the American College of Nurse-Midwives…
John and Maria examine how the expected “red wave” fizzled.
Recently the Women’s March organization tweeted, “We’re not just pro-choice. We are proudly, unapologetically, pro-abortion.”
Suggesting we should kill unborn children for economic reasons is an atrocity, but those who link childrearing to economic realities…
John asks Alexandra DeSanctis questions about abortion
The results are in. Despite what pro-abortion advocates say, many women who chemically abort their babies experience regret.