“Safe, legal, and rare?” Not any more. I recently received a letter saying that abortion should be “safe, legal, and…
Some arguments for abortion we hear over and over again. They’re easy to refute, and I’ll tell you how. In…
Illegal and unthinkable. Abortion has long been illegal in Argentina, except in cases of rape or if the life of…
John Stonestreet and Ed Stetzer review a whirlwind week at the U.S. Supreme Court, where fresh on the heels of…
Today we present John Stonestreet’s interview with Live Action founder Lila Rose. They discuss Live Action’s new video series exposing,…
It’s time to defund Planned Parenthood! Planned Parenthood is spending a lot of money defending itself in two lawsuits alleging…
To quote a friend: The goal of the pro-life movement should be to make abortion unthinkable–not just illegal. Let me…
Today we present an outstanding presentation by pro-life apologist Scott Klusendorf, founder of the Life Training Institute. Klusendorf urges young…
A Sad Day for Ireland. Irish voters decided to repeal Amendment 8 to that country’s constitution on Saturday. Amendment Eight…