Abortion on Speed Dial. A Kansas judge said last week that tele-abortions could proceed in the state. Tele-abortions allow an…
Prosperity Gospel Pitfall. The belief that God wants people to gain wealth can lead to risky financial behavior. That’s the…
The abortion industry has a public-relations problem. Make no mistake: in this case, it’s not the medium, it’s the message.…
Abortion clinics are facing a new challenge, but this time it’s not from the pro-life movement. Mail order abortion pills…
In an age of prenatal medical breakthroughs—and I mean incredible breakthroughs—it’s hard to imagine how abortion can still be considered…
Less than two weeks after the Tree of Life massacre in Pittsburgh, another mass shooting: This time in Thousand Oaks,…
Exposing evil is sometimes necessary. The movie about “house of horrors” abortionist Kermit Gosnell opened in early October. The film…
Abortions for Minors. The Obama Administration helped unaccompanied immigrant minors get abortions. According to emails disclosed in a federal case,…
Many people claim to be pro-life but not nearly as many act on their pro-life convictions. Election season is a…
Abortion activists like to use the same words we pro-lifers use, but they’re using an entirely different dictionary. Case in…