Nearly thirty years ago, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen wrote an essay in the New York Review of Books entitled “More…
Plus: Entertaining Ourselves to Death; The Bedroom and the Pew
Plus: Silencing Pro-Life Women; Trans-Tyranny; Asia Bibi Free
On Tuesday, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed a law that protects the life of the unborn once a heartbeat is…
Finally, Georgia Governor Signs Bill. After weeks of promising to sign a heartbeat bill, but not doing so, Georgia Governor…
The year 2019 is the ten-year anniversary of a statement that drew the line for Christians on three central issues:…
Last week the Supreme Court of Kansas ruled that the state’s constitution protects a woman’s “right” to an abortion. The…
On May 4, Focus on the Family will hold a pro-life event in Times Square called “Alive from New York.”…