Last week’s leak of a draft opinion in the Dobbs case reignited comparisons of abortion restrictions with Margaret Atwood’s The…
The president said abortion kills a child—not a clump of cells, not a fetus, not a potential human. A child.
Justice Alito thoroughly dismantles the claim that the right to an abortion is found anywhere in the Constitution.
John and Maria talk about laws being created in anticipation of a gutting of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood…
With the Supreme Court soon to announce a decision in the Dobbs case, the abortion industry continues to dig in…
Maryland Senate Bill 669 would amend the state’s fetal murder-manslaughter statute to prevent “any form of investigation or penalty” for…
As terrible as the consequences of the Rockefeller Commission report have been, they were the result of a fundamental misunderstanding…
Most government reports come and go unnoticed… this one had deadly consequences
Privatizing abortion for hurting women will increase profits for drug companies and doctors, who can collect their dues without seeing…
Liberal clergy may call the sacrilege of abortion “sacred,” but the evidence from Church history that Christianity was pro-life from…