The Point

Poland Protects the Lives of Unborn Babies with Deformities


John Stonestreet

David Carlson

In the decidedly Catholic country of Poland, abortion in the case of “fetal deformity” is now outlawed. So, children with Down Syndrome or other fetal deformities can no longer be killed in their mother’s womb because of their disability. As one Polish lawmaker said, “The state can no longer take a life away only because someone is sick, disabled, in poor health.”

Polish Christians are welcoming the new law, but Poland’s EU neighbors are painting the decision in almost-apocalyptic terms. The EU’s Equality Commissioner decried the “deterioration of sexual and reproductive rights of women,” while an Irish politician called the move “bleak and inhumane,” and a German critic predicted that Poland is turning into a country “where men will have control over women’s bodies.”

Hysterical hyperbole aside, the EU has “no legal control over how member states regulate abortion.” And that’s good news, especially for the vulnerable pre-born of Poland,


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Poland puts into effect new restrictions on abortion

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