The world we live in, a world that some call a “post-Christian” world, has what today’s podcast guest Paul Gould calls a dis-enchanted view of reality. He believes that materialism and scientism, among other influences, have left us with a way of seeing, thinking, and living that leaves no space for beauty and wonder. We now live in a world bereft of mystery.
Gould says many Christians have uncritically accepted this materialistic understanding of the world. As a result, the Christian imagination, conscience, and voice in the culture have become distorted or muted.
Paul Gould’s new book “Cultural Apologetics” addresses these issues by setting forth a fresh model for cultural engagement, rooted in the biblical account of Paul’s speech on Mars Hill, which details practical steps for reestablishing the Christian voice, conscience, and imagination.
Paul Gould received his PhD from Purdue University and is currently a Henry Fellow at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and teaches philosophy and apologetics in the College of Graduate and Professional Studies at Oklahoma Baptist University. In addition to the book we’re going to spend most of our time with today, “Cultural Apologetics,” he is also the coauthor of “Philosophy: A Christian Introduction” and “The Story of the Cosmos: How The Heavens Proclaim the Glory of God.”
The Colson Center’s Warren Cole Smith had this conversation with Paul Gould at Summit Ministries in Manitou Springs, Colorado, at a recent youth conference where they both were regular speakers.
Download the MP3 audio here.
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