
No-Fault Divorce and God’s Design for Marriage

Men and women in lifelong marriage are happiest.


John Stonestreet

Michaela Estruth

Once upon a time, divorce was a scandal. In the wake of the sexual revolution, divorce dramatically increased, so much so that it became a cultural norm.   

No-fault divorce was feminism’s solution to what Betty Friedan termed, “the problem that has no name.” In her book, The Feminine Mystique, she dubbed marriage and the home as a “concentration camp” for women.   

Divorce is even praised as a cultural good, but rather than delivering the freedom and happiness promised, the data shows that men and women who remain faithful in lifelong marriage are happiest.   

That’s because marriage was intended by God from the beginning, as part of the creation mandate. Jesus pointed to this when He was asked about divorce: “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh” (Matthew 19:5).  

It’s a mystery, according to Paul, but one that is rooted in reality.  


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