
Music Sings of a Creator

The beauty of music reflects the One who made us.


John Stonestreet

Michaela Estruth

A recent study covered in The New York Times, which involved 75 researchers providing songs from their own cultures, found that the songs shared similar features of pitch and tempo.  

While some think the similarity reflects the bias of the researchers, others think it points to something innate in human beings. Or, as theologian and musician Dr. Jeremy Begbie stated in an Upstream interview with Shane Morris,  

There are universals … what’s called musical behaviors, almost certainly. And part of that is because of the way our bodies are made and the way the physical world is.  

The art and beauty of music point to something much deeper than mere evolutionary development. Music reveals an intelligent design in the world, and thus a Designer. Made in the image of the Creator, humans create, too. Ultimately, the beauty of music reflects the One who made us. As the psalmist sang, “My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed.” 


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