“You are,” Jesus said to His followers, “the light of the world.” Even more, He calls His followers to be light in a particular time and a particular place. WE don’t choose our cultural moments, but He does. The more that 2021 seems to resemble 2020, the more the Church needs to recalibrate its calling to be light in the midst of the challenges and chaos of this time and this place. Thankfully one of the resources God has given us is Proverbs, a book of straight-forward, right-between-the-eyes common-sense wisdom.
Each and every Wednesday at 10:30 Eastern through the end of March, you can join the Colson Center for a time of guided prayer. It will be hosted online and focused on the wisdom found in Proverbs. If you missed last week, Sean McDowell offered an incredible look at Proverbs 25:15. You can find the video at BreakPoint.org/Proverbs, and while you’re there, please register to join us each and every week. Again, it’s at BreakPoint.org/Proverbs.
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Christian Worldview
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Watch Sean McDowell’s prayer time here
Colson Center | 2021
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