
Is the Rise of Religious “Nones” Over?

Trends show less waffling, more commitment to faith.


John Stonestreet

Jared Hayden

Since 2008, those who mark “none” in the religious affiliation category have been the fastest-growing religious group in America. However, new analysis from Professor Ryan Burge suggests these numbers have stabilized, and perhaps dropped, in the past few years. Data from the Pew Research Center found that the 2023 percentage of Americans who claim no religious affiliation is back to 2020 levels, or 28%. 

Of the many causes for the shift, Burge thinks the rise in “nones” is most likely due to the marginally religious switching to no affiliation, and … 

Eventually, there weren’t that many marginally attached folks anymore. All you had left were the very committed religious people who likely won’t become nones for any reason. The loose top soil has been scooped off and hauled away, leaving nothing but hard bedrock underneath. 

Whatever the cause, it’s another sign that secularism is running out of gas, and that only the most deeply committed believers are sticking with the Church. 


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