What Would You Say?

Is Hell Real?


Brooke B. McIntire

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “I don’t believe a loving God would send anyone to Hell. He wouldn’t even allow a place like that to exist.”

What would you say?

It’s easier to believe in things like Heaven, redemption, and eternal joy with God – you know, the things we want to be true — than those things that are hard to imaging and even stomach, like eternal punishment.

Hell is a hard thing to talk about, but the next time it comes up in conversation, here are three things to remember:

First, God doesn’t force anyone into Hell, but He doesn’t force anyone to love Him or be with Him either.

Second, Jesus taught that Hell is real, and talks about it more than anyone else in the New Testament.

Third, Hell does not diminish God’s love; it displays it.


Click on the video to hear the entire conversation, or go to What Would You Say to see more like it. 


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