I’m excited to tell you about a new radio program I’ve launched. It’s the perfect complement to BreakPoint.
Introducing ”BreakPoint This Week”
I’m excited to tell you about a new radio program I’ve launched. It’s the perfect complement to BreakPoint.
For the past 20 years, BreakPoint has been bringing you up to speed on cultural, political, and religious issues from a uniquely Christian worldview perspective. But I only get three and a half minutes a day!
Now, don’t misunderstand me: I’m so grateful to the nearly 1,400 radio station and outlets across the country, so many of whom donate this air time for Christian worldview teaching everyday. But for some time now, I’ve been chomping at the bit.
I want to be able to dig more deeply into the issues that matter so much today: Religious freedom, the sanctity of life, the family, and so much more.
So recently, we've launched a new half-hour weekend show called “BreakPoint This Week.” And, I’ve got to tell you, the first few broadcasts have been fantastic. I’ve really enjoyed them.
Here’s why: I’ve been able to get top-quality guests to come on the show and engage in a lively back and forth with me and with John Stonestreet, my colleague at “The Point.”
Our first broadcast was with best-selling author and columnist Mark Steyn. We dug into his new book, After America, and discussed the moral collapse of American culture and its implications for the future — not just our future, but the future of the Western world.
On another program, John and I hosted the notorious Washington insider Jack Abramoff, who spent time in prison for mail fraud and conspiracy charges. He and I share the common past of public shame and imprisonment.
We had an open, very candid conversation — about repentance and redemption from a Jewish perspective and about the culture of corruption in Washington and how we might go about fixing it. And if anybody knows the inner working of K Street and Capitol Hill, it’s Jack Abramoff.
Now, if you missed hearing those broadcasts of “BreakPoint This Week,” don’t worry. We have them for you as podcasts at BreakPoint.org. We’ve also got broadcasts with Tim Goeglein, former head of President Bush’s faith-based office, and a fascinating conversation with Mindy Belz, editor of WORLD Magazine.
And I’m very excited to tell you that this weekend on “BreakPoint This Week,” we’ve got a very special guest: Former President Jimmy Carter.
Now, as you know, President Carter and I are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, but we have common ground in our love for Jesus Christ. I pressed him on a number of issues, how he applied his faith in the White House and in the years following.
He recorded this broadcast with me just before he left for Egypt. While he is far more optimistic about the future of democracy in Muslim countries than I am, you’ll be sure to hear both sides of the argument on “BreakPoint This Week.” Don’t miss it.
Folks, the reason I devote so much of my life to teaching worldview is simply this: If we’re ever to win back the culture, we Christians must learn to engage in intelligent, reasoned, winsome conversations about how the Bible informs all of life.
That’s why we air BreakPoint and “BreakPoint This Week,” not to entertain, but to equip you and prepare you. Be sure to listen to “BreakPoint Week” on this station or online at BreakPoint.org.
Further Reading and Information
After America
Mark Steyn | Regnery | 2011