What does the Church have to say about what it means to be a man and a woman in today’s culture? – BreakPoint This Week
BreakPoint’s Weekly News Round-up from a Christian Worldview Perspective
John Stonestreet Maria Baer

John Stonestreet and Maria Baer discuss the sex and gender issues dominating the news this week. President Biden’s new Gender Policy Council claims to promote women’s rights, but actually advances the transgender agenda.
Also, what does the Church have to say about what it means to be a man and a woman in today’s culture? Consider Governor Andrew Cuomo’s alleged harassment and even assault of female colleagues and the treatment of female employees–even in Christian ministries.
Also on today’s episode – Millennials flock to the empty religion of Instagram, John and Maria’s recommendations for the week: interviews with Jordan Peterson and psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist.
Join us at the 2021 Wilberforce Weekend, May 21-23, in Fort Worth!
“The President’s New Gender Policy Council,” by John Stonestreet and Roberto Rivera, The Point
“Two Marches, One Question: Can Anyone Be a Woman?” A What Would You Say? video
The Strong Women Podcast with Sarah Stonestreet and Erin Kunkle
“The Empty Religions of Instagram,” by Leigh Stein, New York Times
“Prayer Isn’t What We Think It Is,” an Upstream Podcast episode with Shane Morris and Kyle Stroebel
Jordan Peterson on Restoring the Faith, YouTube
“The Divided Mind,” Iaian McGilchrist on the Sam Harris Making Sense Podcast
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