Faith, Liberty, and the American Order
An Interview with Alan Crippen of the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center
Shane Morris

Election Day is only three months away. Perhaps even more so than most elections, this one will be in large part a referendum on competing visions of what America ought to be. And perhaps the greatest fault line is religion in public life. What role does faith have in American life, in American government and governance? Can a truly democratic republic survive without a “moral and religious people”? And what role did faith and the Bible play in the founding of the American order?
Today’s guest on the BreakPoint Podcast is Alan Crippen, the Chief of Exhibits, Programs, and Public Engagement for the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center. Crippen makes the case that not only was the Christian faith integral to the founding of the American experiment, the Bible itself was one of its founding documents—and that faith, liberty, and justice are inextricably intertwined.
In 2021, the American Bible Society (which, by the way, was itself established by several of the founding fathers) will open the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center on Independence Mall in Philadelphia. Alan Crippen gives us a preview of the exhibits and interactive, immersive experiences visitors can expect as they learn about the role of faith and liberty in founding of our nation.
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