The habit of fixing upon a dogma and calling it “settled science” is just bad science that stunts our understanding…
Apologist exposes modern day proverbs that trip up Christians and lure them from true biblical wisdom.
New voices are speaking out against “the ever-ready molders” of the transgender-affirming world out to change adolescent minds.
A framework for Christians to consider when war is awful (always) but necessary.
In this cultural moment, the Church must help parents know and choose what is true and find hope when their…
God’s design for human connection is the key to what ails us … and it’s cheaper for the taxpayer.
Recent decisions don’t expose the Court’s assumed ideological divide but rather a consensus of justice for the nation.
What David Brooks Gets Right … and Wrong
Breakpoint takes a deeper look at the worldview implications of the box–office hit.
Parliamentarian was a self-professed fanatic for the Gospel, leading him to be a key abolitionist of the slave trade.